Spin Electronics group of AGH University of Kraków, Poland

The main activity of the group focused on experimental investigation of spin-based phenomena in thin multilayer structures. We fabricate novel prototype spintronic devices such as memory cells, sensors, high-frequency components and neural computing blocks for energy-effiecient electronics of the future. 



ABB award for Spinlab alumni

Our recent PhD student – Dr. Piotr Rzeszut – has been selected as ABB award finalist for the best PhD


Joint paper with a Nobel Prize Winner – prof. Albert Fert and nanodevices group from nanoGUNE.

Joint paper with nanodevices group from nanoGUNE in San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain, lead by prof. Felix Casanova and Luis


CMTJ paper published in npj Computational Materials.

Paper by Jakub Mojsiejuk et al, PhD student in the group, describing his work on simulation package of spintronic devices